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Tarot Forecast for the week of July 12 a blog by Hovik

First impressions upon the cards, this is looking like a glorious week. Triumph over the darkness and heavy energy of the past week. There was much work to be had earlier in the month and now it shows a week of revelry, joy, and pleasure in all aspects. Another week where the sun is present as the solstice energy carries in the coming month. This time it shines with the jovial energy of youth and happiness. Illusion is revealed and the truth shines, the new power rises and it will triumph. Your ventures will be successful as the light grants new tools for you to use. In my deck it is interesting to note that the sun seems to make a journey across the cards I’ve laid. In the four of wands the antelope like creatures leap across the card and the sun shines touched by horns of the highest leaper. Next, in the magician card, he holds between his hands a small sphere of light. The life force to be manipulated by the skill of his hands. In the lovers card next, two people stand embraced atop a hill of flowers and sun shines down upon them. It stands for virtue, and illumination of the joy and purity of love and partnership. In this forecast the lovers card is about loving what you do and working with those whom you trust and love to make something special. The following card is the six of cups; charity, joy and giving back. A time to reap the rewards and share the wealth. Being a cups card, it is about emotional fulfillment and inner joy outwardly expressed. The only warning I get thus far is the next card with the six of cups as well. The next card is ten of swords, which is disappointment, loss, and being stabbed in the back. Paired with the six cups, I would say be careful who you show vulnerability to as not all who have closeness to your heart are there with good intentions. The last card in the spread is the king of wands; one of my favorites in the Shadowscapes deck I use. Here, the king shows strength and drive to lead. The lion’s strength he carries guides his will to manifest what he desires. He reminds us to go for your dreams and don’t let others cloud your success. What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. Overall, it is going to be a good week. Carry the force of the sun to guide and illuminate your path. Stand close to those nearest you, but remember that the enemy is close and can strike at a moments notice so use the fire of the lion to bring it down.

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