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Witchy Wednesday ~ Prosperity Bowl: A Faery’s View of Prosperity

Prosperity Bowl: A Faery’s View of Prosperity

by Elysia, The Naughty Faery

Prosperity is much more than the monetary bond we place upon it.  It affects not only the money you receive, but the money you spend and how frequently you both receive and send it out.  One thing that most rarely take into consideration about prosperity is that it is a living breathing entity.  Prosperity is as much of an aspect of nature as the trees, plants & even the ground beneath you.  The energy around you effects HOW you receive prosperity in all of its forms.  Block love in any of its forms and you are blocking prosperity.  Block creativity, you are blocking prosperity.  Faeries encourage you to contribute to the flow of prosperity by giving as well as receiving.  Find the balance between the two and watch the doors open up around you.  Sometimes it takes work to get into the habit of doing this.  When you feel prosperity slowing, be sure that you pay extra attention to the things you are NOT doing.  Are you purging yourself of the things that you don’t use?  Possibly someone else around you can use this.  Give clothes that you don’t wear to thrift stores, Goodwill or other places who distribute clothing for those in need.  If you have broken things in your home, this may represent a leak or a break in your prosperity flow as well.  In other words, FIX them and if you can’t fix them, replace them.  Be careful when you have too many dried flowers or things that were formerly living as decorations in your environment; they can represent to the faeries endings, death, and holding on to the past.  So how do you get around this?  I personally have artwork on the walls of my house using tree branches, and I know more than one person who has dried flowers from past bouquets given to them that they cherish and hold dear.  Breathe new life into these items.  The branches on my wall are such a focal point that they get new energy every time someone looks at them.  They represent a doorway or a portal to another realm that I hold very near and dear to me.  The dried flowers I would suggest taking the petals and infusing them into incenses, or double infuse perfumes for yourself.  Remembering the love and intention that you received when you received the flowers fresh.  Find other ways to breathe new life into items that are decorations.  Your only limitation is the depth of your own imagination.

With all that being said here is a suggestion of how you can encourage money growth and protect the money that you do have on a daily basis.


Prosperity Bowl

You will need:

  • a bowl
  • A small/medium sized clear crystal
  • Sea Salt
  • Wheat, Oats or Sesame Seeds (whole)
  • Woodruff (crushed)
  • Cinnamon (powdered)
  • Pennyroyal (crushed)
  • Caraway (whole)
  • Orange Oil (a dram should work)

Mix together Sea Salt, Wheat (or Oats or Sesame Seeds), woodruff, cinnamon, pennyroyal, caraway together.  While mixing picture your guides and the faeries around you flowing money to you.  Think of your bank account never getting below a certain amount (don’t be greedy, but be realistic too). Fold in the Orange Oil and picture as money goes out, money comes back in to replace it while you mix well.  Place in a bowl with the crystal in the center of it all and place in an area where the sun will hit it at least once a day.

Naughty Faery Creations © 2009


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