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North Hollywood

Fuzzy Illuminated Shika Fawn

Traditional Spiritwork 101 with Ren** Meets Wednesday this Week Only

Traditional Spiritwork begins with conversations. The stars are singing. The memories in your blood are whispering. In this class, we will learn that stronger contact is not clearer contact. We will develop dexterity in our spiritual senses and yes, meet some of our nearest and dearest friends. We’ll start the journey of learning the language of soul, of spirit, of ancestors, of plants, animals, minerals, of threshold beings like faery, like Death, of Bright Gods and Titans, of innerworlds and otherworlds.

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Imbolc with Raven’s Cry Grove

Gather with us for Imbolc, the time when the ewes come into their milk, to offer worship to the triple goddess Brighid: She who protects, heals, and inspires. Renewal begins for mother earth; seeds take root and come to flower. As the light strengthens and begins to awaken the land, let it be so for us as well. Let us clear away the old, dead leaves of winter and prepare our soil to be planted anew, fresh with purpose and clear intention.

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